Meet An Excellent Teacher: Kasondra V. Harkness

15th Year Teacher
Legacy Early College Elementary School
What is your personal mission when it comes to how you improve educational opportunities for your students?
I teach my scholars as if my own children were sitting in the classroom.
I always deliver the type of educational opportunities that I would want my own children to experience. I believe that all scholars deserve a high quality education. I’m a strong believer in differentiated instruction. Scholars are exposed to grade level material during whole group instruction. However,
I meet each scholar where they are during small group instruction.
This allows me to close gaps with some and challenge others.
How have or what are your plans for how you will use your award?
The money that I received from this award will be saved for my two children. The recognition is appreciated.
What’s the best advice you have for educators on how to achieve academic growth like yours?
I like to use data and small group intervention to achieve academic growth in my classroom. I don’t like to over-assess just for the sake of collecting data. I analyze meaningful data on a regular basis to drive my instruction. This allows me to create small group reteach opportunities to clarify information. I set high standards for all of my scholars and I help them on their journey towards mastery.