Meet An Excellent Teacher: Dayan Reyes

7th Year Teacher
Meeting Street – Burns
How have or what are your plans for how you will use your award?
I plan on putting it towards my passion of traveling around the world. Traveling has continued to broaden my world view, taken me out of my comfort zone, and inspired me to see and try new things. I’ve had the best adventures abroad all while learning about new cultures and meeting people from all over the world.
What’s the best advice you have for educators on how to achieve academic growth like yours?
I would say not to stress so much on being the “perfect” teacher. Build strong and positive relationships with each student and set high expectations from the start. Be intentional with your moves in the classroom. Some things I consider important are aggressive monitoring, providing your students with frequent feedback, and looking at student data. Lastly, I would say to take care of yourself. Don’t let yourself get burnt out. You do your best when you feel your best!